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Banner Vote Beerbeard
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Drunken piratey goodness

Vote Beerbeard is the six-headed crew of the Medusa, lead by the wicked captain Beerbeard. They are a collective of enthusiastic pirates from many different shores.
Their adventures consist of corrupt cooks, their experiences with flemish ladies, the raiding of castles and of course the drinking of rum. These tales get turned into strong, 'mostly' serious semi-accoustic songs.
Grab your hat, get some booze and get ready for a Proper Pirate Party.

Who arrr we?

Captain Beerbeard

Merciless Leader, Vocals

Captain Beerbeard

Salty Bob

First Mate, Guitar, Ukulele

Salty Bob

One Sock Joe

Bosun, Percussion, Tin-Whistle

One Sock Joe

Silver Hands Seamus

Quartermaster, Folk Guitar, Mandolin

Silver Hands Seamus

Saint George

Doc, Accordeon, Banjo

Saint George


Navigator, Bass Guitar


Captain Beerbeard is the ruler of our ship.
He loves to drink and wench in life
and ye best not cause him strife.
For it will be a one way trip!



Remember to plunder some tickets!

18 aug BE Scheldewijding en Doelse feesten | Doel
7 sep BE Levensloop| Schoten


For booking and/or general pirating.

Our homeport is located in:
Brasschaat Antwerp, BE
Far talking device: +32 471 41 31 50
Throw your bottled message this way: